Team Halton


This is our Year 1 class.  Our class teacher is Miss Helm; our teaching assistant is Mrs Jenkinson.


Please see our PowerPoint presentation about joining Year 1.


Life in Year 1

Year 1 is a very busy year as we start working on the National Curriculum. There is so much to learn but we always have lots and lots of fun. In the Autumn Term our classroom will have continuous provision (activity tables) available to the children to help their transition from Early Years. We work as one big team encouraging everyone as we learn.

Our PE days are Monday and Tuesday. Please ensure full PE kit is in school and all items of clothing are clearly named. We also have Forest School fortnightly on Friday afternoons.

Please listen to your child read regularly at home. It is very important that the children bring their reading books into school every day. We change our reading books on a Friday and ideally children will read their book at home at least 4 times a week.



Whole Year Overview


Summer Term Liaison

Summer Term Homework Grid


Spring Term Liaison

Spring Term Homework Grid


Autumn Term Liaison

Autumn Term Homework Grid


Knowledge Organisers

A Knowledge Organiser is a set of key vocabulary, facts and information on a topic that your child needs to be able to know and recall by the end of the topic. Please use these at home as conversation starters to discuss learning and as a way of helping your child commit their learning to long-term memory (for example, you may want to cut up the vocabulary and meanings and play matching pairs or encourage your child to learn how to spell the words.


Computing Knowledge Organisers


Autumn Term Documents 

Our School Knowledge Organiser

Florence Nightingale Knowledge Organiser

Animals Knowledge Organiser

Humans Knowledge Organiser

Seasonal Change Knowledge Organiser

Harvest Knowledge Organiser

R.E. - Baptism

Christmas Knowledge Organiser


Spring Term Documents

Geography - Local Area

History - Great Fire of London

R.E. - Jesus was Special

R.E. - Easter

R.E. - God & Creation

Science - Materials



Summer Term Documents

Geography - Japan

Geography - Hot & Cold Places

R.E. - Joseph

R.E. My World Jesus' World Knowledge Organiser

Science - Animals

Science - Plants


Halton Twitter Feed




Please visit our Reading at Home page for advice and ideas to support developing reading skills.




Please visit our Maths Page for advice and ideas to support mathematical learning.

Wider Opportunities in Year 1


Spiritual Leaders

As Spiritual Leaders in each year group, all children are given the opportunity to prepare the weekly class worship and lead on the planning and delivery of a whole school worship once every half term. At the end of the child-led worship, the Spiritual Leaders are then presented with a certificate to recognise what they have done within their year group.

The Spiritual Leaders are responsible for ensuring that their class reflective worship area is clean, tidy and up to date with their learning in R.E. as well as the termly Gospel Value.

Spiritual Leaders are also able to participate in a weekly lunchtime club to develop their knowledge of our school vision, values and understanding of worship.

See our Christianity at Newburgh page for more information on this.


School Council & Eco Council

See our Enrichment Opportunities page for more information on this.

Phonics Screening


In the summer term of year 1 children participate in the statutory Phonics Screening assessment. This statutory test checks children's ability to use phonics to decode real and nonsense words. Our Phonics Screening Presentation gives more information about this.