This is our Year 3 and 4 class. Our teachers are Miss Helm Mrs Djemai and Mrs Standrell and our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Kenyon. We have P.E. on Tuesdays and Fridays. We have Music on a Friday morning; Year 3 will be learning to play the recorder and Year 4 will be learning to play the ukulele.
Please see our PowerPoint presentation about being in Years 3 and 4.
Life in Team Rigby
Spellings and activities to help learn these new words are sent home every Monday via our online learning platform Purple Mash. These will be tested the following Monday. Please ensure that your child thinks about the spelling rules and also thinks about the meaning of these new words to help to increase their understanding and knowledge of vocabulary. It is helpful to write these new words in full sentences at home to assist in learning how to use the word, however we will only test the individual words when we complete our test.
Reading is a key part of our curriculum and the children will have a banded reading book and also a free-choice book from our class library. We encourage the children to take ownership of their reading and learning and we would like them to record in their Home/School reading diaries and think about the texts they have enjoyed. The children are responsible for informing staff when they have finished a book and they change them independently. This is a skill we will support when the Year 3 children are first introduced to it but we expect them to be completing this independently after the Autumn half term.
Team Rigby is a class in which learning is full of fun, laugher an enjoyment. We work hard as a team putting in 100% effort and dedication into all that we do. We always choose to follow our six gospel values, in doing so creating an excellent environment for our learning.
There are opportunities to become part of our School and Eco Council. Children will be able to put themselves up for election, create a presentation and be voted in for their role by their peers. We also have some other very exciting roles within Team Rigby, these include P.S.H.E Ambassadors, Spiritual Leaders and everyone will have the opportunity to be classroom monitors throughout the year. Our twitter demonstrates some of the opportunities and activities for children whilst in Team Rigby and we hope that you enjoy seeing the exciting learning experiences we have during the course of the year.
Throughout the children's time in Team Rigby, they continue to develop a love of learning, in which knowledge sticks and we enhance their commitment to becoming life long learners.
Team Rigby Quotes To Remember:-
"In a world where you can choose to be anything, choose to be kind"
The smallest thing can make the biggest difference"
"100% effort = 100% success"
"We never fail, we only ever learn"
"Be brave, be creative, be kind, be thankful, be happy, be you"
"Let Your Light Shine"
Mrs Djemai | Miss Helm | Mrs Standrell | Mrs Kenyon |
Knowledge Organisers
A Knowledge Organiser is a set of key vocabulary, facts and information on a topic that your child needs to be able to know and recall by the end of the topic. Please use these at home as conversation starters to discuss learning and as a way of helping your child commit their learning to long-term memory (for example, you may want to cut up the vocabulary and meanings and play matching pairs or encourage your child to learn how to spell the words).
Year 3 Computing Knowledge Organisers
Year 4 Computing Knowledge Organisers
Autumn Term Knowledge Organisers
Animals & Humans Knowledge Organiser
Leeds Liverpool Canal Knowledge Organiser
Year 3 French Knowledge Organiser
Year 4 French Knowledge Organiser
David & The Psalms Knowledge Organiser
Spring Term Knowledge Organisers
Summer Term Knowledge Organisers
Reading With Your Child
Please visit our Reading at Home page for advice and ideas to support developing reading skills.
Enrichment Opportunities in Team Rigby
Spiritual Leaders
Please see our Spritiual Leaders page for more information.
Key Stage 2 Jobs
Please see our Key Stage 2 Jobs page for more information.
School Council
Please see our School Council page for more information.
Eco Council
Please see our Eco Council page of our website for more information.
PSHE Ambassador
Please see our PSHE Ambassadors page of our website for more information.
Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check
In the Summer Term of Year 4 children will sit the Multiplication check. Please see our PowerPoint for more information about this and visit the link below.
Year 4 Useful Links
Purple Mash - an award winning website for nursery and primary school children. It enables children to explore and enhance their learning in a fun and creative way. Children have logins for this in their reading diary.
Times Table Rock Stars - a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. Each week concentrates on a different times table, with a recommended consolidation week for rehearsing the tables that have recently been practised every third week or so. Children have personal logins for this in their reading diary.
Mathletics - the award wining companion tool to help students learn maths. Engaging, fun and aligned to the curricula across the UK. Children have personal logins for this in their reading diary.
Prodigy Education - Hit the ground learning with Prodigy. It's time for back to school! This year, we can help kids take math to the next level without missing a beat. Support their learning like never before and start building habits that stick. Children have personal logins for this in their reading diary.
Hit the Button - an online platform to support the four operations that can be accessed for free.
BBC Bitesize Primary - this has some fantastic resources that cover all the areas across the curriculum.