Sports Ambassadors


Sport and P.E. play a major role in life at Newburgh. We offer a wide cariety of sports for all children to develop their physical and mental fitness throughout the school year. The role of our Sports Ambassador is to ensure that we are meeting the needs of the children in our school through the provision we provide.


The Sport Ambassadors will discuss the enricment club offers with the pupils in the school and will feed back on how this could be improved. The Sports Ambassadors also ensure that if any equipment is broken or needs replacing that the children have a designated person to tell before passing this on to the P.E. subject lead.


The Sports Ambassadors will also attend around 5 sports council meetings with other children in the West Lancashire area. Each school selects two Year 5 Ambassadors to attend the meetings. These meetings are via zoom and include discussions on how to improve physical activity levels, inspiring children to participate in sport and being a positive role model for P.E. and School sport in and around school. Each meeting we provide the Ambassadors with tasks such as creating weekly fitness challenges for their schools.


The role of a Sport Ambassador is an important link between the pupils in the school, the staff and also the P.E. specialists which deliver P.E. in our school.


If you are interested in becoming a Sports Ambassador please see Mr Dilworth to put your name forward.

23-24 Sports Ambassadors Accepting Gold Games Award